Seasons in Death Valley National Park
Summer (21 June to 22 September)
Summer in Death valley is brutal, with highs hovering around 110ºF and higher at the park’s lower elevations with lows in the mid-80s.
If you visit the park during the summer, be prepared to face the intense heat. If you visit attractions at lower elevations, do so in the early morning to avoid the brunt of the heat.
Also, make sure you have plenty of sunscreen and water bottles to prevent dehydration and sunburn.
Read More : Summer Camping Checklist
Fall (23 September to 20 December)
Fall sees much cooler temperatures, making it a better time to visit the park. Highs can still reach into the 90s in October, but, by late fall, highs drop into the 70s.
Lows at night will drop into the 50s and even 40s, making nighttime sleeping much more comfortable. You’ll even need a sleeping bag to keep warm. This is a popular time of year for the campaign in the park.
Make sure to book your campsite early if you plan on coming to camp at the park during this season.
Read More : Best Time to Visit Death Valley National Park
Winter (21 December to 19 March)
During the winter, Death Valley National Park experiences much lower highs in the 60s and 70s, making hiking at the park’s lower elevations enjoyable.
Lows drop in the 40s at night, requiring jackets for comfort.
With the exception of holidays, winter is also one of the least busy seasons for Death Valley National park, making it a great time to avoid crowds.
Read More : Winter Camping Checklist
Spring (20 March to 20 June)
Temperatures range significantly from early spring when highs only reach the low 80s to late spring when highs will reach triple digits. Lows range from the mid-50s at the start of spring to the mid-70s by late spring.
This is the time of year when wildflowers are in full bloom, adding color to the earth tones that make up this desert landscape. For this reason, spring is a popular time of year in the park, drawing a significant number of visitors.
Andrew Dodson
Andrew Dodson is an avid camper who enjoys the great outdoors with his wife and two-year-old son. He resides in Colorado, where you can often find him enjoying hikes with a toddler strapped to his back and mini goldendoodle Percy nearby.